Why does the wiki say that flashbacks were in 2006 and current day was 2012?
The shaniquwa poster was from when assassination wasnt a flashback mission, an early storyboard.
Why does the wiki say that flashbacks were in 2006 and current day was 2012?
The shaniquwa poster was from when assassination wasnt a flashback mission, an early storyboard.
Beta informations counts as "What didn't happen" policy. Sure, this make sense, but I'll wait for bureaucrats responses
Edit: Here's a stronger source (maybe): 2006
I just asked the exactly same question on the Timeline page's talk section.
I doubt that the 29 May 2006 date on the third page in the manual in canon, because that page just describes the controller and the game's controls, it doesn't say anything about the game story. Also it has Rockstar Games written right next to it, so I think it just refers to the date when that page of the manual was printed.
The thing about MH2, its development was strewn all over the place, with 2006 being an early draft (AKA vienna cut) and R* london's work being what is considered the final canon.
When it comes to ingame, its pretty obvious that stuff like the flashback billboards are leftovers, as ingame file names still have the original level order. (revealing when assassination wasn't a flashback mission.) But stuff like the manual, is a bit more confusing, as it doesnt align at all with what is shown. Could it be R* London did the same thing, as R* Vienna had already commenced on finishing the game off, even creating things like a draft manual? And london only taking the manual and altering things to fit the final story? possibly, considering theyd leave a blunder as big as a visible date during assassination.
But who knows? rockstar has neglected the game since it's PC release, and since they didnt even bother to release things such as a XBOX port, it would be safe to assume theyd much rather not be reminded of it again.
Yeah, it seems like R* is trying to forget about MH2. AFAIK, the only direct reference they made to the game since then is that they added one of the Pervs mask in GTA Online.
Back on topic, I think R* intended the present day scenes to take place roughly at the time when the game came out, 2006/2007-ish.
I mean, there are a few mid-2000's pop culture references in the game. For example, during Red Light and Safe House you can see an poster for a porn movie called "Hairy Palmer and the Gobblin's Fury", that is obviously a reference to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), and one of the Bloodhounds sometimes mentions a movie about "cowboys kissing", most likely referencing Brokeback Mountain (also 2005).
Also, another Bloodhound quote mentions the Democrats losing the election, which would mean that the present day scenes definitely take place before 2008. (though, obviously R* couldn't predict who would win in 2008)
Yeah, but i doubt we'll ever get a full answer about the whole thing, considering that very few rockstar employees ever do information drops, like the unnamed vienna employee who talked about things such as a scrapped XBOX and PS3 port, and things like the Sorority house and the History museum
Looks like Manhunt 2's timeline is going to be a pain in the ass to make. At least the first game has an okay timeline
Most people assume the final story was 2001-2007, as rockstar sorta messed things up similarly in GTA 2, where its either 1999 (present time) or 2013 (future)
Might be best to say that the years when Manhunt 2 takes place is uncertain
@Martino97 @Ecstasy Amphetamine Adding that evidence that debunks the 2006-2012 thing. I guess it's safe to use "circa (year)" since it is uncertain, so I'm reverting back to c. 2001 and c. 2007.
Not to mention the in-game calendars and other stuff contradicts all of the dates lol (also the fact that the manual says the report is a rewritten version, not the one made at the moment of the incident)
What do you think?