Idle and alone[]
- Real pepped. Too edgy. Gotta relax.
- Come on! Just want some action.
- God damn! I'm running out of dip.
- Shoulda brought some gum or something. Stop grounding my teeth down.
- Probably watching me right now. Well, let him.
- He's here. I can feel it.
Idle and with a friendly hunter[]
- Hell, everybody's gotta strap hang once in their career.
- Looks like rain.
- This reminds me of my time in the A Shau Valley.
- I heard if we get this guy, they've got another lined right up.
- Should've packed some snivel gear, some food or something.
- Call me paranoid, but I don't reckon we're getting the whole picture here.
- This guy must be a real idiot or a real psychopath.
- I just hope I get my hands on him first.
- Nice boots. I thinking of getting some of those myself.
- My old lady, she gets real turned on by all this shit. Makes her hot and mussy.
Meeting a friendly hunter[]
- Looking psyched, man!
- Hang in there.
- Get into flanking position, troop.
Spotting player[]
- Whoa! He's in my sights!
- Hey! I got him! I got him!
- I see the runt! He's right over there!
- I'm tracking the bastard! He ain't losing me!
- There he is! Light that civilian up!
- There he is! Bring him down!
- Hungry K-bar joining the party!
- Yeah! Let's tag and bag this mother!
- The cavalry's arrived!
- Time to abuse this geek!
- This zippo mission ends here!
- Time to put him in a body bag!
Spotting player in the shadows[]
- Tryin' to use the dark, huh?
- There he goes! Into the shadows!
- I can still see you, ya fool!
- He ran into those shadows!
- Nice try, asshole! But I ain't blind!
- I still got a bead on him!
Also triggered if the hunter runs away from the player as a result of certain game events
- Steady, man! Get a grip! Don't go over the edge!
- You ain't got the guts!
- Okay! You've proved all you have to!
- I surrender, man! Y–You gotta take me prisoner!
- Okay! Uncle! You got me! Uncle!
- There's plenty more of us, you chickenshit bastard!
After taking no damage[]
Triggered if the spotted player is facing the hunter in combat without dealing any damage to them before they taunt
- How do you like some of yer own, huh?
- Not feeling so good now are you, private?
- Gonna finish you off like a six pack!
- It's time you join the party!
- Gonna peg you out and have some fun!
- Looks like I got blackjack!
After taking any damage[]
Triggered if the spotted player is facing the hunter in combat and dealt any damage to them before they taunt
- Shit! You take all this real personal!
- Feeling pretty riled now, ain't ya!
- I don't blame ya!
- Takes more than that, soldier!
- Tough son of a bitch!
- That all you got?
Triggers when they're low on health and when they're calling you out while you're taking cover in a gunfight
- Dogmeat!
- You VD!
- Dipshit!
- Crude monkey!
- Shit-eater!
- Dumb bastard!
Losing player after long running pursuit[]
- Thought I'd be done with all this shit...
- Somebody tag that bastard before he runs us all into the ground!
- Well, he sure is giving us the runaround!
Startled by player's physical presence[]
Triggered if an idle hunter senses the player appear to them up close or if an idle hunter blindly touches the player
- Hell!
- Agh!
- Wha–
- Wuh?
- Damn it!
- Motherf–
Startled by noise[]
Can only be triggered with idle hunters. Also triggers if they catch a brief glimpse of the player before they disappear or see the player from afar
- Could be nothing. But I'll check it out.
- Checkin' out somethin' over here.
- Comin' over there, you prick!
- I think you blew it, geek boy!
- If this is another ghost contact...
- Hey. That you, you spotty bastard?
Startled by player running[]
Triggered if an idle hunter hears a short instance of the player running without spotting them, startling the hunter
- Tryin' to creep up on me, huh?
- That you, you dumb asshole?
- [Sotto voce] Okay, nice and easy now...
- Is that that condemned bastard I just heard?
- [Sotto voce] Lay chilly!
- [Sotto voce] Guys, I think I got something here...
Running towards noise[]
Can only be triggered with suspicious hunters
- Last one ends a pussy!
- He's creeping around like a drunk Charlie!
- That's gotta be him, man!
- It's safeties off, boys! Woohoohoo!
- I caught that mother tryin' to sneak up on us!
- I'm gonna get him first!
Spotting a body[]
- Alpha Bravo! Alpha Bravo!
- No way am I going in there on my lonesome! Wardogs, I need backup!
- Wardogs, he's lying in wait like a copperhead!
- He wants us to come in there and drag him out!
- When I flush this turd, I want you to light the ringworm up!
- Okay, somebody watch my six while I go in and flush the bastard out!
Inspecting a body[]
- This guy won't need no band-aid.
- This is what happens if you don't keep it real.
- Shit. Another one for a Glad bag.
- Just meat now.
- No more bellyaching for me.
- He's an expectant! Nothing we can do!
Calling for help in combat[]
Triggered when the player deals enough damage to the hunter in combat
- Guys! I'm gonna buy the farm if I don't get some backup!
- Hey! Where's my slack man?
- Shit! This guy's a handful! Wardogs!
- Hey, guys! I'm in the shit here!
- Wardogs, where's my team?
- Wardogs! I need the pack over here right now!
After killing player[]
- Mission accomplished! Yawhee!
- Crashed and burned, tagged him and bagged him!
- Chalk up another for the Wardogs! (imitating four dog barks)
- (triumphant laughter)
- Ace of spades, momma!
- Ha ha! Did you see me take him?
Triggered if the hunter falls from a fatal height or if they are killed by a gas explosion
- (short scream)
- (short scream)
- (short scream)
External links[]
Links to websites containing glossaries on US Army slang and jargon used during the Vietnam War. Good for understanding what the Wardogs are saying.