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El Vampiro is a member of the Innocentz gang in Manhunt. He is named thus because he believes he is a vampire.[1][2]


Although he never reveal his name or alias, it is presumed that he is the man named "Carlos" mentioned by the other Innocentz.

Skully 4 is shirtless with blue track pants and a skull painted on his face, as well with tribal sleeves, an embellished cross and "INNOCENTZ RIFA" tattooed on his chest . He has another variant that wears jeans and a red bandana, along with "MUERTE 187" tattooed on his chest and skull and cross bones on the arm.



  • He shares some dialogues with The Orphan Maker, such as "Gonna cut ya, gonna cut ya, gonna cut ya!", "Wakey wakey!", "Where are you" and howling sounds.

See also[]


  1. El Vampiro dialogue: Bebere su sangre.
  2. El Vampiro dialogue: You coming to dance with the vampiros, amigo?

