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The Katana [1] is a red class weapon in Manhunt 2.


This traditional Japanese weapon was used by Daniel Lamb under Leo's control to slaughter the crew working at the TV-MK Studio as revenge against the Project.

The Katana is a highly damaging melee weapon, being able to down a hunter in three hits before finishing them off with the same amount. It also has the ability to behead the corpses of slain hunters if the player stands over a corpse on the right spot before hitting it, dropping a Head for the player to use.


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Type Execution Description
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The player vertically plunges the katana down on the target's skull. The player tries to shake it off of their head before pulling it out. MousePrompts-MH2-Down MousePrompts-MH2-Shake MousePrompts-MH2-Right
From behind, the player runs the target's chest through with his katana and pulls it out. The target grips at their profusely bleeding wound before the player beheads them with one quick motion. MousePrompts-MH2-Up MousePrompts-MH2-Down MousePrompts-MH2-Left
From behind, the player slashes the target's knee pit. The target kneels in pain and looks towards their assailant, raising their hands for some pathetic reason. The player minds not and slashes one of their wrists before lodging the katana sideways into their jugular and beheading them in one fell swoop. MousePrompts-MH2-Left MousePrompts-MH2-Down MousePrompts-MH2-Left MousePrompts-MH2-Left
The player jumps from an elevated position and slices the target down while falling. The player finishes them off by beheading them in one swing. MousePrompts-MH2-Up MousePrompts-MH2-Down MousePrompts-MH2-Left


Manhunt 2
  • Broadcast Interrupted (PC, PlayStation 2 and PSP only. Found beside a monitor and amongst dismembered corpses on the stage of TV-MK News. Using said monitor will display a cutscene of Leo killing two victims with the sword in the studio for The Terry Helmut Show)


  1. Manhunt 2 (PS2 Disc)

