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Manhunt Wiki

This page contains transcripts of the Manhunt Official Strategy Guide The Hunters section.



The Hoods are a mixed bag of off-duty cops and local thugs. They partake in the hunt largely for the financial gain rather than the vicious brutality enjoyed by the other hunters. The Hoods are unruly for the most part; they are noisy and impulsive. They suffer from a lack of concentration during the hunt, treating it like weekend deer hunting. The Hoods dress in dark, non-descript street clothes and wear an assortment of balaclavas and ski masks.


The Innocentz are a street gang absorbed in sect imagery. Although young, they are fierce fighters who prefer to use their combined force rather than individual skill. The gang is made up of two specific groups-The Skullyz form the basic horde, but Starkweather brought in the Babyfaces to add muscle and a distressing contrast to the gang. The Skullyz resent this intrusion and are genuinely uneasy around them, for good reason. Basically, the Skullyz are playing the part of lunatics and the Babyfaces are the real deal, but they all behave like human jackals.


Smileys are a loose throng of the insane, serial killers, psychotics, and sadists. They are truly twisted, and one of the most intense packs of hunters you'll face. The Smileys hunt wearing their trademark smiley masks, often splattered with the blood of previous victim or their own from self-mutilation rituals. They take perverse pleasure in the pain and torture they inflict upon others. Their dialogue ranges from demented animal noises to chanted nursery rhymes. Many Smileys talk to themselves or to imaginary friends... you may think one's calling you out, when all he's really doing is mumbling to himself.


Based in the neglected Carcer City Zoo, the Wardogs are the most dangerous and efficient killers on Starkweather's payroll. They consist of ex-military Special Forces and obsessive hunters for hire. A few members stay true to their military backgrounds and often communicate in Special Forces code-phrases, but others lack actual knowledge, so they improvise. They are experts in both tactics and weaponry. Their preferred tactics are ambushes, baiting and luring, and full-on frontal assaults. Despite their training, their animal instincts sometimes take over while pursuing prey, and they become noisy and highly excitable. "Take No Prisoners" is their motto, and they hunt their prey with a viciousness matched by none.


The Skinz are an archetypal neo-Nazi white power gang. Overall, they tend to work as baboon packs, and are very aggressive and willing to attack rashly. They partake in the hunt mostly for the sadistic violence. The Skinz are disorderly, boisterous, and reckless.

