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This page contains transcripts of the Manhunt Official Strategy Guide Scene 6-7 Walkthrough section.

Grounds for Assault[]



An original breed of hunters awaits James Earl Cash in the next scene at the zoo. They call themselves the "Wardogs". They are a militia group of gung-ho losers who pack heat, unfortunately, Cash begins the scene without weapons or items.


Assuming you may need some healing later, note the bottle of Painkillers directly behind you. Head up the stairs and enter the ticket building. Inside is a "Staff Only" room to the right. Do not go in, though—there are one or two Wardogs armed with Machetes inside. Instead, enter the ticket room to the left. In the back, you'll find a Wire.

Hide in one of the corner shadows and lure a hunter from the staff room into the ticket room. When he's near your kill zone, execute him as he turns his back to you. Perform the Gruesome variety to remove his head! The Head is an excellent lure item! Take the Machete from the headless Wardog and lure his colleague from the building into your kill zone. When using the Machete, all levels of executions will result in beheadings. You can now relocate to the shadows in the staff room for your kills.


Once both Wardogs have bought the farm and you have the Machete, you can cut the ropes from the gate behind the ticket building. Take the Wire that's inside the staff room before you leave. You can also find a bottle of Painkillers in a back room, near the rear exit. Cut through the ropes on the metal gate and enter the bathroom.

Hide in the shadows of the bathroom stalls and clank the tile walls with your Machete. The Wardog in the next room will investigate the sound.

Throw the Head to the opposite side of the bathroom, then attack the camouflaged hunter from behind and slice his head off.

Leave the bathroom and check out the padlocked door on the left before the hallway exit. You need a Crowbar to remove this padlock, so remember this room once you find that tool later in the mission. You'll definitely want to gain access because there's a Sawed-Off Shotgun inside!

Leave the hallway, pass through the next tiled room, and exit the metal gate to go outside.


To the left and before the stairs, you'll notice a small shadowy corner between a stone wall and a fence. This is a great home for your next kill zone. While in the shadow, hit the wall with the Machete to draw the nearest hunter. Once he walks down the steps, throw the Head past him, and then cut off his own melon while he inspects the one on the floor.

Return to the same shadow and attract the second hunter, then perform the same kill tactic. Once both hunters are dead, follow the path to the next set of stairs (there's a Bottle in a shadow on this upper walkway between the staircases). Descend the stairs and look left to find a bottle of Painkillers near a small fence. Follow the path to the right and stop at the intersection near the Save Point.




Turn right at the intersection and hug the right half-wall. Continue walking until you are in a shadow behind a leaning section of a wooden gate—another great kill zone. Bang on the wood with the Machete to attract the nearest Wardog, then chop his head off as he turns away to return to his post, or use a lure item to make him walk past you. Go back to the same shadow and smack the wall with your blade again to draw out another nearby Wardog. Behead him as he turns his back to you. You're becoming quite the headhunter.

Return to the previous Save Point intersection and bang on the stone wall to attract the hunter patrolling the area beyond the large elephant statue. Then run back to the previous kill zone and dispatch the curious Wardog as soon as his back is to you.


Enter the sandy white pit near the elephant statue, then run into the cave and hide in the shadows. Bang on the back wall with the Machete to attract a Wardog from above. The white gravel is too noisy for stealth, so run out of the pit to a previous kill zone. Make a racket by banging objects along the way to lead the hunter in your direction.


There's a bottle of Painkillers in the animal cage at the end of the right path (from the Save Point intersection).



Follow the walkway around to the back of the large sand pit with a gorilla statue. There's a Bottle on the island beside the simian stonework. Remain in the shadow with the Bottle and make some noise to attract a nearby hunter. Toss a lure item toward the nearby wall, then execute him when he takes the bait. Make some more noise in the same island shadow to ensure you've eliminated all the enemies in this area.

If you follow the path toward the large elephant statue, you can collect a bottle of Painkillers from the raised pathway.


Enter the bear's den behind the gorilla statue. As you round the pathway in the habitat, you'll see a Wardog inside the cave. Allow him to see you, then take off running. Sprint back into a shadow (the gorilla island or the elephant statue are good choices), then execute the hunter when he returns to the cave, or as soon as his back is turned.

Once all of the hunters are dead, return to the cave and swap your Machete for the Crowbar. Remember that padlocked door we mentioned earlier? Head back there with your newly acquired tool and bust it open to recover the Sawed Off Shotgun inside.

Find the padlocked gate by following the blue dot on the radar, then open it with the Crowbar. The next Save Point is just beyond this gate.


Don't trade the Crowbar for the Machete after opening the gate; you'll need it again in the next section of the zoo. You can still perform executions using the Crowbar, and nasty ones at that! If you do trade it in, you can always return to the cave later to swap it back again.


The next area is a vast section of zoo filled with tunnels, multi-level platforms, an abandoned bungalow, a restaurant, and plenty of hunters. One foe is posted on a platform near the restaurant, and is armed with a Tranquilizer Rifle. The shot is not deadly, but it will cause you to briefly lose your wits. We'll discuss that situation later...


For now, concern yourself with the hunter on the right of the entrance gate. Lure him into the building on the left side where you'll find a Brick, and a glass door that can be shattered to create two Glass Shards. There's also a bottle of Painkillers in the backyard. Use the shadows inside the building for an efficient kill zone that can be used to lure all three hunters patrolling this side of the zoo.

Enter the tunnels at either end of the area if you cannot lure more hunters into the house. Hide in the shadows created by the columns, and hit the walls to lure the nearby hunters. There's a bottle of Painkillers inside the rightmost tunnel (where you entered the Save Point). After killing three patrolling hunters, it's time to confront the one with the Tranquilizer Rifle. This guy does not stray far from his high post.


Climb either set of stairs through the tunnel of your choice to access the upper restaurant area. The tunnel at the far end of the plateau (on the opposite side from the restaurant) contains a bottle of Painkillers. In front of the tunnel (heading back toward the restaurant), you'll find the entrance to the narrow platform where the last hunter is perched. As long as he's idle, you can walk along the platform unnoticed and attack the armed Wardog from behind. However, if he's facing you as you get close to him, remember that he can be lured from his post. Although he won't leave it for long, the trick here is to execute him as he makes his way back.


If you have the Shotgun, you must decide if you'd rather swap it for the Tranquilizer Rifle. Consider the amount of ammo each weapon can hold and allow that to sway your decision. Neither weapon aids in your quest for executions. To kill a hunter using the Tranquilizer Rifle, you must first shoot him to put him down temporarily. If you miss the head shot, it will take two darts to do this. Once on the ground, you must kick or hit the sedated body to death before it gets up. The gun you chose will be with you when you begin the next mission. We recommend the Tranquilizer Rifle since it has more rounds, but regardless of your final choice, hang onto the Shotgun at least until you've completed the next task.


Use the Crowbar on the padlocked door to the restaurant stand. Then exit the stand through the door near the soda machine.

Soda Machines

Shooting a soda machine causes a Can to pop out. These make great reusable lure items.

A left turn from the door leads to a bottle of Painkillers and a dead-end. Take a right and follow the path around to the back of the building. A sign at the bottom of the stairs directs you toward the exit.

Two hunters run from around the corner to the right and give chase. Sprint back through the restaurant and find a shadow where you can hide. Lure them toward this spot, then divide and conquer.

You can also just blow them away with your Shotgun without compromising your Style Points.

Return to the steps behind the building, then head up the double set of stairs past the "Way Out" sign. If you take the path to the right, you'll find a bottle of Painkillers in the restaurant's backroom. The left path leads to a padlocked gate. Use the Crowbar to pry it open, then pass through to complete the mission.

Strapped For Cash[]



Starkweather has four of Cash's family members tied up in different locations around the zoo. He must free at least one of them before progressing to the next scene. This is no easy task. The hostage will be killed if the captor Wardog spots him. Not to worry, though—we'll show you how to save all four.
