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Also known as
Omega Cerberus 3
“ Just give me half a chance, you twisted kook, and I'll nail your panties to the wall! ”
―Omega on what he plans to do with Cash once he gets even a brief glimpse of his hide
Omega is a member of the Cerberus group in Manhunt .
Background [ ]
Personality and Mannersism [ ]
Relationships [ ]
With the Cerberus [ ]
With Valiant Video and the manhunt [ ]
With Cash [ ]
See also [ ]
References [ ]
Navigation [ ]
Characters in Manhunt Protagonist Main characters Minor characters Individual hunters
Skin 1 • Skin 2 • Skin 3 • Skin 4 • Skin 5 • Skin 6
Cerberus 1 • Cerberus 2 • Cerberus 3
Cop 1 •
Cop 2 •
Cop 3 •
Cop 4
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