Like the rest of the Wardogs, he has no lines for certain in-game events, such as losing the player after a pursuit without being exhausted, searching for them in the shadows (with and without a hunter), ending a search, etc.
Idle and alone[]
- Shit. Didn't bring any moon floss anyhow...
- Gonna get me some bookoo boom boom once we skin this fool.
- Hell, he's probably just a boonie rat fucked up on skeevy street. Poor bastard.
- I'll show these guys. Just 'coz I got an early out, don't mean I can't cut it.
- I better get an ear. If I don't, somebody better give me theirs.
- Damn, should've brought some chewing tobac.
Idle and with a friendly hunter[]
- Damn, shoulda taken some cork!
- Shoulda brought my green-eye. See the bastard hide from us then! *laughing*
- Damn, I gotta drop heat!
- Well, it's a nice night for it!
- Well, as RONs go, this ain't too bad.
- Ha ha! Love this shit, you know? Hanging with the guys, using your training...
- I heard a rumor said he was SF. Hell, don't scare me none.
- Yeah, we did a hunt up north not too long back. Poor guy didn't stand a chance.
- I got a call from a friend when he knew I was dropping out. Put me on to this gig.
- Only a matter of time before this idiot makes a mistake. Then, we got him!
Meeting a friendly hunter[]
- You?
- You pepped?
- Howdy!
Spotting player[]
- I got your six!
- Rock and roll!
- Your slack man's here!
- Surprise package for Mr. Dickhead!
- Got the rat!
- I'll take the flank! Coming in!
- Heads up, I think I see our runner!
- Contact, I got contact!
- Wardogs, I got our target!
- Move it up, boys! I see him!
- We got movement!
- Look alive! I see the bastard!
Spotting player in the shadows[]
- He's hunkered up in the shadows!
- I still got a visual!
- He's tryna E&E!
- This is as easy as gunning down a water buffalo!
- Fool thinks I'm blind! (laughs)
- Trying to lose me in there?
Also triggered if the hunter runs away from the player as a result of certain game events
- Don't rub me, man! I just got cable!
- Go on, man! Burn rubber!
- I ain't seen ya!
- Don't do it, man! Don't do it!
- Don't grease me, man! Have a heart!
- Oh shit, not this!
- You don't want me, man! I'm just in the rear with the gear!
After taking no damage[]
Triggered if the spotted player is facing the hunter in combat without dealing any damage to them before they taunt
- You're just a butterfly!
- How you like a bit of CQB? Huh? Huh?
- Hooah! Chow down on this!
- Hell, you ain't no sneaky! You're a pussy!
- This is what you get when you mess with us!
- You're gettin' a Wardog whoopin', you dumbass!
After taking any damage[]
Triggered if the spotted player is facing the hunter in combat and dealt any damage to them before they taunt
- Doh! Come on, make me enjoy it!
- I hear you loud and clear!
- Come on, tough guy! Come on!
- You got some anger in you, don't ya?
- Hey! Get offa me!
- Bastard!
Triggers when they're low on health and when they're calling you out while you're taking cover in a gunfight
- Prick!
- Geek!
- Asshole!
- Ladyboy!
- Damn yellow-belly!
- Dead man!
Losing player after long running pursuit[]
- (panting) I shoulda done more PT!
- (panting) Oh man, it's been a while!
- (panting and coughing) Oh god damn!
Startled by player's physical presence[]
Triggered if an idle hunter senses the player appear to them up close or if an idle hunter blindly touches the player
- Woah!
- Fuckin' A!
- Number 10!
- Oof!
- Shit a brick!
- (amid?) motherfuckers!
Startled by noise[]
Can only be triggered with idle hunters. Also triggers if they catch a brief glimpse of the player before they disappear or see the player from afar
- Let's flush this guy out!
- Got a possible contact over here!
- Keep it lively, guys! I think I got something!
- Okay, guess I'm on point!
- Hey, I think something's over here!
- Gonna check that out!
Startled by player running[]
Triggered if an idle hunter hears a short instance of the player running without spotting them, startling the hunter
- Could be an Alpha Bravo...
- Whoa! Let's up the pucker factor!
- That you, you prairie dog?
- That's a possible!
- Whoa! Back up!
- Guys, I think I got movement!
Running towards noise[]
Can only be triggered with suspicious hunters
- He's giving away his position!
- The main event's arrived!
- We got a situation over here!
- That's not a friendly! I repeat, that is not a friendly!
- I'm going in hot!
- We got a fly in the wire!
Spotting a body[]
- I know a trap when I see one, you jerk! Guys, get over here!
- Wardogs, we got an ambush situation here!
- CYA, boys! He's trying to lure us into a kill zone!
- Back up, guys! Hooah! He's waiting for us!
- He's fishing for us, guys! We gotta rush the bastard!
- Time to blow the mother, boys!
Inspecting a body[]
- Damn, we got a KIA!
- He's real FUBAR!
- Stupid FNG was supposed to be our tail!
- Keep it wired! He's here someplace!
- Should I even bother taking his tags?
- Too late for a doc!
Calling for help in combat[]
Triggered when the player deals enough damage to the hunter in combat
- Hey! Who's got my six?
- Hey, who the hell's got my six?
- Delta Tango! Delta Tango!
- Hey guys! Give me some Mike Mike here!
- Wardogs! Wardogs!
- I need some damn help here!
After killing player[]
- Stay down!
- He ain't going nowhere soon!
- Ha, got him! Let's hoof and horn the bastard!
- Wardogs baggin' in the poor sap! Hooah!
- Did you see how hard he hit the floor? Shit!
- No one gets up after taking that shit! No way!
Triggered if the hunter falls from a fatal height or if they are killed by a gas explosion
- (long scream)
- (long scream)
- (long scream)
External links[]
Links to websites containing glossaries on US Army slang and jargon used during the Vietnam War. Good for understanding what the Wardogs are saying.